Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a time of anticipation, a time of waiting in readiness for the celebration of the birth of our Lord.
Advent is a time of reflection, a time to hit the pause button for a while and look back on the past year.
As the Sunday's of Advent pass the light from the Advent wreath will grow brighter and brighter as we approach Christmas.
It is also a busy time for many as they prepare to celebrate with family and friends. It can be a very difficult time for others who may have lost friends or family members through the year and prepare to spend Christmas with an empty chair at the table. For those with no home it can be a time of isolation and fear.
But in darkness the Advent light shines brightly. This light is the light of Christ who has come into this word, a light, as St John tells us that no darkness can quench.
This Advent maybe a time for us to be bearers of that light to others who may have a lot of darkness in their lives..to open our hearts to those less fortunate than we are...remembering that what we do to the least of our Brothers and Sisters we do to Christ. So as St Francis said' Hold back nothing for yourself from the One who gave everything for you'.
A blessed Advent
Br Martin
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