As Capuchin Franciscans in Ireland weshare Christ’s light and love through our work in churches, parishes, schools,universities, hospitals, hospices, homeless and drug centres, retreat housesand many other areas of society. We live and pray in community, and servethe Church through our apostolic service and contemplative prayer. As CapuchinFranciscans we embrace the consecrated life through our vows of poverty,chastity and obedience. As we journeywith Francis, we seek to discover Christ in the face of today's most needy andvulnerable.
May we are who consecrated to God by thevows of chastity, poverty and obedience seek to live our Baptismal promisesmore intensely. May God grant us thegrace to persevere in our commitment to continue our journey with Francistowards the Lord and serve with open hearts and willing spirits. May weexperience the support of the Church as we continue our growth inholiness. May the Lord continue to call many to be generous and to heedthe prompting of the Holy Spirit to give themselves to God and live theconsecrated life.
If you feel called toconsecrate your life to God through the brotherhood of the Capuchin Franciscans,why not get in touch with Br. Terence our vocation director (Mobile: 086 323 0638 or Email: capuchinvocation@gmail.com)? Trust in the echoing words of Blessed John Paul II,"Be Not Afraid!"
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